COVID-19 Analysis

1. Background COVID-19, a disease caused by a new type of coronavirus, has become a major global human threat that has turned into a pandemic. During this period, the role of the immune system has attracted people's attention. Some researchers identified some important nutritional considerations for the prevention and management of COVID-19 diseases (Yasemin Ipek Ayseli et al., 2020). Based on these studies, some "experts" and articles have urged people to buy supplements or eat particular foods to enhance their immune system.

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As we all know, insects are a major factor in the world's agricultural economy. Therefore, it is particularly important to prevent and control agricultural insects by using procedures such as dynamic surveys and real-time monitoring systems for insect population management. However, there are many insects in the farmland, and it takes a lot of time to be manually classified by insect experts. Since people without the knowledge of entomology cannot distinguish the types of insects, it is necessary to develop more rapid and effective methods to solve this problem.

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I believe that for graduate students, what to do after graduation may not have been decided yet. Is it a good choice to continue to study for a PhD, or is it a wise choice to find a job in the industry? What will doctoral degrees bring to students? Which field of doctoral degrees are more popular? To answer these questions, I found some historical data about doctorates awarded in the United States to display some information behind the data.

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Linlin Li

Data Scientist @ DISH Network | Master’s in Statistical Science @ Duke

Denver, CO